Morning routines help kids

Mapu Fuatogi, Reporter

WAKING up early is a must for most students. Brittany Hernandez (11) is waking up around 6:00 a.m. every morning for school. School start times in the U.S. vary between 7:30 and 8:45 a.m., according to the website.

Alarm clocks are lifesavers for most kids, especially when they don’t have anyone to wake them up. Whether a person is a heavy or light sleeper helps decide how many alarms they should have. Jacqueline Gonzalez (11), has an extra alarm just in case she snoozes the first one. “I have two alarms set up; one at 6:00 a.m. and another at 6:20 a.m.,” Gonzalez said. Other students either rely on their siblings, or just their parents. It really all depends on which is more effective.

Showering in the mornings is a factor for some students. “The first thing I do is take a shower; after that, I get dressed and do my makeup. The very last thing I do is get in the car and go to school,” Hernandez said.

It’s challenging for some students to get to school on time when they don’t actually live in the school boundaries. Joseph Molina (11) lives all the way in Tooele, so getting to school on time is a hassle. “I usually just get to school maybe a couple seconds before the bell rings. My mom is the one who drops me off, and she’s really slow sometimes, so I’m just always bugging her to speed up,” Molina said.

Traffic is also something to keep in mind when thinking about getting to school on time. If some students live near a traffic light, getting out of the driveway would be difficult.

The times people wake up during weekends changes, too; some students wake up early and others just sleep in. Hanging out with friends during the night is also a possibility. Gonzalez does exactly this and has such a great time with her friends. “Sometimes I do hang out with my friends on the weekends. It’s mostly later at night, so I don’t necessarily have to wake up early,” Gonzalez said.

Mornings can be tough some- times, and things do occur unexpectedly, but with practice and some dedication, comes perfection and relief.