In-school credit recovery helps Lancers graduate


CREDIT recovery is a class with a high class size of about 40 students for each period. For those who don’t know, credit recovery is a class taught by Mr. Hopkins in E203. Credit recovery helps make up credits, pass classes, and eventually graduate. Credit recovery works with packets in math, English, science, social studies, art, PE, and computer tech.

In this class, Mr. Hopkins gives students packets to work on for the whole class period. He also checks grades and makes sure students are on track and where they’re supposed to be. He says it definitely helps students stay on track and even graduate. Hopkins claims his credit recovery class has helped about thirty or more seniors graduate this year.

This class may be attended by all grades here at Granger High School. There are currently no freshmen in credit recovery, because freshman just arrived and do not have any missed credits to make up.

Students are required to do a pretest, and if they receive an 80% or higher, they automatically receive the credit. But if the student scores under an eighty percent, they have to do the packet and retake the test.

“It’s boring. Especially if you don’t have work to do,” Julian Perez (10) said. Perez is currently working on packets for math and English. He feels this class has helped him keep his grades up as well as receive the required credits for the classes he needs. Perez said his packets are really hard.

Walking into the class for the first time, a change of environment can be felt, because the classroom is very quiet. All students are focused on what they’re doing, and they all know exactly what their assignment is. Every student in the class has something to work on.

Some students may say the packet is not that hard, though. Nathan Hernandez (11) said the class has helped him graduate by collecting the essential credits and giving him more knowledge than he already had. He is only doing an English packet, and he claims his packet is only mildly difficult. He described the class to be quiet and strict. “There’s no messing around” he said.

The students work very hard and are very respectful of Mr. Hopkins. Hopkins helps keep his students focused and check on their grades to assure they are on track and doing what they’re supposed to be doing.

Students who are struggling or missing credits may talk to their counselors and switch into a credit recovery class for second semester. Counselors will help students change their schedule in order to get them into a credit recovery class to do a packet, take a pretest, make up their credits, and eventually graduate.

This class has most definitely helped students, especially seniors, graduate. If a student needs help with credits and keeping grades up, credit recovery is highly recommended.