OCR Time

ON CAMPUS Reassignment (OCR) is a new Freshman and Sophomore attendance policy. At the moment the policy is only in effect for freshman, but sopho- mores will soon be affected, too. According to many freshman stu- dents, they believe that this is do- ing a really good job by helping them get to class.

Many people don’t agree that the school is picking on freshmen and actually think that it is a su- per idea.

One freshman with amazing attendance agrees. “I think it’s going to have a good impact and help lots of kids get back on track with school and attendance,” Ja- cob Baird (9) said.

As the year progresses, many students get comfortable about not showing up or messing up in classes, which makes it harder for the administration to crack down on bad behavior. OCR makes this a bit easier by helping the admin- istration nd students coming in late and punish them for doing so.

Teachers are just as with it as the students are. With students missing from classes or coming in late, the policy with help them get to class, but student will miss an hour from class because they were sent to OCR.

“I am hoping that it will stop the tardiness and absences by punishing students for not com- ing to class,” Ms. Neibaur said.

Administrators and hall moni- tors agree that lunches and 1st periods are some prime pressure points for preventing tardiness, which turns this policy into a whole other story.

“Freshman are often a testing ground for new things like this, then we move sophomores if its effective,” Mr. Anderson said. He also talked about the grace period that many students had to get to class even when Lancers are late.

Working with students like this makes administrators happier and makes them feel like they are really making a difference.

This new policy sends stu- dents who are late to the lecture hall as a consequence.

The tracker in control of the students was Mr. Gaspar. He was sitting in the back watching the students making sure they were not playing on their phones, do- ing their work, talking, sleeping, or anything else along those lines. This is a quiet time for students to re ect on their behavior.

He de nitely enforced the rules and explained consequenc- es. Students not learning that hour could cause a problem for grades as well as attendance, but teachers are not too upset.

In the end, Mr. Anderson’s ini- tial data suggested that freshmen tardies have gone down by 40% while attendance is better than last year.