When it comes to politics, Lancers agree to disagree
WHEN MOST people think of Granger’s diversity, they likely only think of the different races, religions, and languages spoken within the student body. But Lancers are also diverse in other ways such as their political views. Utah is considered a “red” or “conservative” state, but in the more diverse areas such as West Valley and Salt Lake, one can find a wider range of political beliefs.
At Granger High, there are kids all across the political spectrum. From far-right leaners to far-left leaners and everyone in between. Out of all the differences that Granger students face, politics seems to be the thing that causes the most argument and division. But if it is possible to see past race or religion, it should be possible to look past differences in political views, too.
Unfortunately, emotions are very high, and people are adamant about defending their side that they seem unwilling to listen to the other side. Any student with a Facebook page has probably seen at least one political disagreement happen in the comments section of a controversial post.
“I tend to view things more right most of the time. I’m not total Trump train – he’s got good intentions, but he says things that are kinda whack,” Dylan Lenox (12) said.
President Trump proves to be somewhat unpopular, especially among millennials. “I hate him, he’s not for the people, he’s more for business,” Cherelle Smith (12) said.
In this election, the majority of Americans seemed unsatisfied with their options, but simply voted for the one they believed would cause the least amount of harm to the country.
“He’s the lesser of two evils. He’s not gonna be the best president, but I think he’s gonna do a lot more good than Hillary would have done,” Noah Casias (12) said. “He’s not a good person, obviously, but he was the best candidate we had. He’s gonna make America great again,” Casias said.
Although the dust has settled since the election and inauguration, many students still openly express their political views via social media and face-to-face communication. Because of some hostility, some people may be afraid of speaking their minds and being honest about their opinions. Others just feel as though they are not educated enough on politics to have a solid, defendable opinion.
“If I’m gonna tell people what I think, I have to have a very educated opinion,” Smith said. Talking about politics can be very risky, because some people are much more passionate about their opinions than others. “There are some people who are really civil about [talking about politics], and they’ll honestly tell me their opinion and they’ll see my side, but most of the time they just get defensive,” Smith said.
Conservatives and liberals have never really gotten along well, but the recent election seems to have made getting along even more difficult. “Some of [the liberals] can be pretty far out there. For the most part, we’re all Americans, right? It doesn’t really make that big of a difference,” Lenox said.
Lenox lies closer to the middle, Casias and Smith are further away. “I think [liberals] are freakin’ fairies. They can’t handle anything without getting triggered,” Casias said.
“Some [conservatives] are really good people. But most of them are very rude – they call liberals snowflakes and say they cry too much. Even if you’re just trying to have a civil conversation with them on why you disagree, they still bring that up. I only get defensive if they do,” Smith said.
Though students within the school may be divided on their views and opinions, they still all have at least one thing in common: they are all Granger Lancers. Students can still be civil – and even friendly – with people from the other side of the political spectrum.
“I’m not set on [being friends with] certain types of people. Most of my friends talk about politics, but there are a few that don’t,” Lenox said. Some students may not want to be friends with someone who they completely disagree with, but most people have the ability to remain civil and can be kind and understanding towards others.
“All of these riots and disagreements aren’t good for America,” Casias said. Diversity in all of its forms is meant to be celebrated, not discouraged.
It is hoped that all Granger Lancers will agree to disagree and realize that differences in opinion are just another thing that make our great school diverse.