SPRING is quickly approaching, which means new sports are right around the corner. All spring sports start on February 24. For baseball, go after school from 2:30 to 4. Softball is also at the fields from 2:30 to 4. Boys volleyball is in the main gym from 2:30 to 4, soccer is in the stadium from 2:45 to 4 in the stadium. For track and field, see Coach Rice in room F108, and for girls golf, see Coach Crowther in room H107. Also, for tennis, go to the courts at 2:30.
One of the major sports coming up is track. Isaac Antunez (11) wants to try out for the track team.
He has never tried out for a Granger team, but he sees this as a great opportunity. He chose track because he has played multiple different sports, including basketball, soccer, and baseball, and wants to try something new. “I think I can make it, and it’ll be a good fit for me because I’ve played multiple sports, so I’m used to training and running. I’m sure that I have great stamina for track,” Antunez said. He also sees this as an opportunity to help train and get back into working on his health.
He has taken a break from playing sports and being as active as before, but this could be his way to get back into his athleticism and his training. He never thought about taking track as a sport he always saw it as just running, but he wants to try it out and see how it goes and if he likes it. In track, they normally have around 60 people on the team, but coach Rice would like to have more. “Our goal for this track season is to finish top three at regionals with both the boys and girls team,” Coach Rice said.
“Another goal is to have as many athletes hit a personal mark this year,” said Coach Rice.
At the beginning of the track season, they work on the basics so they can get a solid foundation and get an understanding of what the rest of the training will be like. When having to do distance events, they focus on building endurance so they can complete the whole race.
For sprint and field events, they mostly focus on technique and developing coordination so they can have the best start while keeping the same pace throughout the race. They do look for certain qualities when choosing who gets to join the team. When wanting to join a sports team, Lancers must be ready to give 100 percent and do their best for the sport and for the team. Although track may seem more as an independent sport, they still must be willing to work and give their all for themselves and others to motivate everyone.
“We look for students with a good work ethic. Track takes a lot of work, and most of the events are independent, so athletes must have strong motivation and be willing to put in the work needed to succeed.” Rice said.