WINTER sports season is ending, which means the senior Granger basketball boys are leaving with a great season behind them. They won against Taylorsville and Granger’s rival school — Hunter High. That victory left the boys with unforgettable memories and lots of advice for their teammates.
Mason Biddulph (12) says his favorite memory was beating Hunter High School because it was an accomplishment. Many Granger basketball players agree this was a very heated and tense game.
Isaiah Gukeisen (12) also says this was his favorite game because of how hype the locker room was during halftime and after the game. Granger had won 52-45. The scoreboard was up and down at the beginning, but it ended with that great win.
A lot of players also enjoyed the Taylorsville game. This was an even more heated game and very interesting. The game started very tame as Granger was losing but started to catch up, eventually getting them get that win.
Brighton Webb (12) says that Taylorsville was his favorite game because of how tense it was and how they got to win against them. Granger won by one point, making the score 53-52. Even though Granger lost games, the ones they won were very memorable and also fun.
There were only four seniors on the basketball team this year. The seniors have all gotten close and shared lots of advice to leave with their other teammates.
“I had gotten the closest to Isaiah, and we got close because of basketball and have also hung out outside of basketball. My favorite moment with him was at the Hunter game when he threw me an alley-oop up, and if I were taller, I would’ve dunked it,” Benson Turcsanski (10) said.
Kenti Micomyiza (9) says that his favorite senior, Enzo Munyeneza (12), left him with lots of advice for the rest of his years, and he is thankful for him. The seniors also enjoyed prom together in matching suits and went out to eat together afterward.
Leaving this season also means new people will try out for the basketball team next year. “I’m going to miss them a lot because they’re a big help to the team and guide us but also are always teaching us new skills, stepping up to the plate when coaches aren’t there,” Micomyiza said. Most of the seniors have been players for all four years and have learned and taught how to help when it’s needed.
The seniors will be missed this year, but they will be remembered for how much they have impacted the team. They have also said they are sad to leave but are excited to see how this team will grow and succeed in the future. They will certainly learn to grow and follow their paths, whether that’s continuing to play basketball in the future or trying something different.
With the seniors signing off this year, many of the memories that were made on the team will stick with them.