FCCLA is a great after-school club with an amazing community and exciting events. FCCLA holds lots of events, including the STAR events. These events are held once a year, and Lancers get to show the world what they can do with their amazing talents. These projects are aimed to help students gain a sense of leadership and career preparation.
“STAR events stand for Students Taking Action with Recognition. STAR events are made to promote leadership and communication,” Ms. Adams, the FCCLA adviser, said. STAR events help our student body access their passions. With the help of STAR events, many students have a span of career paths to choose from.
“I think students should do STAR events because they’re fun. It seems pretty scary to present in front of judges or make a presentation, but I think it’s kind of all in your head, and when you face it head-on, it’s so much easier than you’d think it is,” Magsudo Mohamad (11) said.
Mohamad did a STAR event in Focus On Children, where you focus on kids in the community and do something that you think will help them. Mohamad did this through a presentation and an interactive activity; “I think it went well with the kids. They seemed to love it, and we had good feedback from both the kids and the teachers after we were done,” Mohamad said.
Mohamad is the FCCLA President at Granger this year and feels everyone should try a STAR event.
“I enjoyed doing the STAR Event. While it could clash with some schedules, it was a good experience to go to kids and present about something I thought could help the community,” Mohamad said. While at the STAR Events, once Mohamad had presented and had a bunch of free time until they left, so while it felt scary to present, once it was over and done, “it was smooth sailing from there.”
Mohamad isn’t the only Lancer who values STAR events.
“There are so many challenges. I would love anyone who wants a real deal of reality because in STAR events, you are competing against all the students around Utah who have FCCLA in their school, and many of them have great talent there’s no easy going on you,” Iqra Ali (10) said.
Ali chose to try the leadership competition because she hopes to help people around her in the future. Ali says, “This year, I’ve taken second place in Leadership, which I am going to State. I hope I make it to nationals next year. I would love to continue in STAR Events and hopefully different categories along with multiple Lancers.”
STAR Events are for everyone! You don’t need to meet a certain GPA or CPA unless you want to become an officer for FCCLA; all you must do is have passion and ideas, show up, compete against others, and WIN! Lancers who compete and make it to state will move on to Nationals this year. The nationals are going to be held in Florida. This year, 14 amazing Lancers have won and headed to the finals.