IN THE 2024 Presidential Election, the race was between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. This election was crucial because the outcome would shape the next four years, which will affect many Lancers as they transition into adulthood.
Many Granger High students will soon be voting-age, and the new policies set by the next president will impact their futures. The results of the election showed Donald Trump as the winner. Lancers have a variety of opinions about the election and its outcome. Here are some of their thoughts.
Alexis Martinez (12) says although everyone has their own significant opinions, he doesn’t have a strong opinion toward either side. He says he doesn’t mind the results because he believes Trump has both good and bad policies.
He agrees mainly with Trump’s economic policies, but he disagrees with his stance on immigration. “I believe that a very big number of immigrants help shape this country and contribute to help our economy. They are hard workers, and they pay taxes and many other bills the same way any other American citizen does, they created lives for their families after hard work of many years. It’s sad that many will get sent back to their country of origin,” Martinez said.
Ismael Zapata (12) says he cares a lot about the election but also didn’t, because he wasn’t able to vote. He feels like he wouldn’t have been heard due to still being a couple of months away from turning 18 and gaining the right to vote. He says he was interested because he feels America isn’t in the right position it was a few years ago. He believes this election could help the country get back on track and make progress, especially after the difficult years since the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I feel like the prices of our groceries have skyrocketed and so has the housing market. I was in support of Trump. I feel like he is a very passionate person when it comes to helping put this country back on track and helping us move forward in the right path. I like Trump for a lot of his policies and who he portrays himself to be in helping our country. This country really needs help right now,” Zapata said.
Oscar Ramirez-Banuelos (11) says the presidential election isn’t bad. He says he feels happy Trump won because his policies and beliefs align with his opinions. “I believe he is a good person, many people have hatred toward him, but if you really pay attention to his beliefs and how he feels, you get to see how he really is as a person. A lot of social media and reporting channels try to make Trump seem like a candidate with bad intentions, but that is really not the case,” Ramirez-Banuelos said.
Salvador Vazquez (11) says that he isn’t against the outcome of the election, but it isn’t what he hoped for either. “People all had their individual opinions, and many people saw their lives getting better under Trump, so that’s what the people voted for. I personally wasn’t in support of this due to Trump having his issues with the law,” he said.
Vasquez continued, “Trump also has many policies I don’t agree with. Harris had policies with the housing market, offering a $20,000 down payment for new homeowners. Going into the future this would have helped me a lot. She had many policies that would have helped me and my family financially that I was supporting. But the outcome came to be the outcome, there isn’t anything that can be done about that,” Vazquez said.
Many Lancers care deeply about this election, and of course, everyone has different opinions. This topic is important, not only for Granger High but for the entire country. Despite many differing views, the outcome is final. Grangers can come together and work for the best for the country’s future, as well as for prosperity for everyone.