EVERY student that’s in a Granite District high school can take GTI class. Some people may not know if it’s for them or might not find it interesting. I’m currently taking a GTI class, so I can say from experience that it is worth it. All the different classes that are offered have one thing in common: they will benefit you in the long run. Whether it’s something you want to pursue or just something you want to learn, it’ll help.
Now, my GTI class is in the afternoon which means that it’ll take up two classes, my 3A and 4A. So during my second period class, instead of leaving at the same time as everyone, I am released from class about 13 minutes early. Once I am released, I can go down to the cafeteria and eat my lunch a bit earlier. After the GTI kids finish eating, everyone that takes a bus for GTI has to be on the buses before 10:40 a.m. I get on the last bus in line because I am in no rush. During the ride there, I am usually just talking with my friends or listening to music and podcasts.
The GTI class that I take is construction. So once I get there, I walk to my class. Except my class is not inside the actual GTI building, mine is past it and a street away. Right by it is a 7/11, which, from time to time, I sometimes go to for snacks and drinks. Once I get to my class, I wait for the bell to ring, so the teacher can open the door for the Relo. Once I am inside, we usually sit for a bit, waiting for other students from other schools to arrive.
The teacher will tell us what we will be doing today, and what we need for it. Once we are all ready and have all the tools we need for that day, we put our phones away and go outside. We work in a big area with about four different Relos, all built by us. Every day is something new and different. One day we’ll be setting up walls and putting metal on the outside, and the other day we will be painting. Everything that we do in construction is definitely useful and provides good life lessons for your future in case you need it.
It is also pretty fun because you’ll meet new people from different schools; I have a couple of friends from Hunter that take construction as well.
The teacher is really cool. His name is Mr. Cook, but we all just call him Rob. He is a very fun teacher. He knows how to joke around, and he is not sensitive whatsoever. Other than construction, jokes and sarcasm are some of his specialties. He is very kind and will always offer to help, even if you don’t ask. He does not mind if you mess up or get something wrong; He doesn’t correct it, but helps YOU find out how to correct it. If there is a reason that we don’t have to go outside, like maybe we are missing materials or the weather is bad, we will stay inside our class and do a quiz or have a free day to finish any homework that we might have missed. But for me, I have nothing missing, so I am able to play games and talk with my friends.
Class usually ends around 1:30 p.m., but my class is released 10 minutes earlier because we have to walk half a mile. On my way back, I like greeting the little kids that play on the playground. They all wave and ask for high fives. One of the kids even gave me a Capri-Sun.
Once I get to the buses, I go to the very last bus while saying goodbye to my friends and classmates that go to other schools like Hunter, Taylorsville, or Kearns. Once I am on my bus, I listen to music and relax. Then, when I get to the school, I usually arrive early before school ends.
For anyone that is thinking about taking GTI, just remember that there is still a huge variety of different classes to take. From game developing, fire fighters, and medical classes, there is one that would suit you!