GHS demographics keep changing
February 15, 2022
GRANGER High School is the largest school in Utah, and the district it lies within, Granite School District, is among the most diverse in the state. At Granger, ethnic minorities make up 80% of the student body. Unlike many schools here in the state of Utah, Granger High School is extremely diverse. Granger’s student body is made up of approximately 3403 students. This includes 44 American Indians, 133 African Americans, 135 Asians, 2157 Hispanics, 263 Pacific Islanders, 628 Caucasians, and 43 multiple race students.
Since Granger is so diverse, it’s a goal for the school to make sure students feel respected and accepted. As you walk into Granger, you see 91 flags from all different countries. The purpose of the flag display is to honor and recognize the school’s diversity. It’s also a way to make everyone feel welcome. Carysma Serna (12) is a senior here at Granger. “Even just by looking at the flags, you would be surprised just how many students here are from those countries,” Serna said. Students from different countries will always know that here at Granger, they are welcomed, and their home country is just as important to the school as it is to them.
Isai Gonzalez (12) had some things to say about the students here at Granger. “The diversity in our school just goes to show how unique our school is compared to other schools in Utah where there is a majority of one race or culture. Students here can learn about new cultures and backgrounds that you don’t see in most places. It has never been so cool to learn about people’s backgrounds or where they come from,” Gonzalez said.
Having students from all around the world allows students and teachers to learn about different backgrounds every day.
Since Granger High School students and staff make diverse students feel so accepted, many students from other countries choose to come here to Granger. “I have had the chance to see diversity here firsthand. So many students from different countries come here that don’t know how to speak English, and they eventually find their crowd and become comfortable enough to learn English,” Gonzalez said.
Before a school expects students to succeed, students must feel safe — both mentally and physically — and feel supported, welcomed, and respected. Many agree that this can be found right here at Granger.
Not only does GHS have so many different races, ethnicities, religions, and languages represented in its student body, but it also has many different levels of economic situations. There are 2266 students who attend Granger High School that are economically disadvantaged. An economically-disadvantaged student is a student whose household income is below average. The purpose for identifying these students is so that Granger can ensure they have access to things they need to function successfully.
Granger High School considers this and strives to make sure students have everything they need to have a successful educational experience. Granger allows fee waivers for students who are eligible and unable to pay for school fees. Also available is a food pantry, free breakfast, and free lunch to these students.
The main goal is to make sure students are treated equally and always feel welcome at school. Granger’s community strives to do this by welcoming new students, accepting diversity, and providing students with the things they need to be successful.