Eleven GHS Lancers offered spots in U of U program

Several Granger High Pacific Islander students have been selected to participate in the U of U college of Education’s Bridges Program

Jocelyn Roberts, Editor

ELEVEN of our Granger High Pacific Islander (PI) students have been selected to participate in the University of Utah’s College of Education’s Bridges program. If these students choose to accept this life-changing opportunity, their lives and the lives of their families will change for the better. 

Students who make the time to commit to this program will be enrolled in a three-credit course (EDU 1010-Intro to Teaching). While still being Granger students, they will also be students at the University of Utah. This will create a transcript and allow for them to get a head start in university credits. 

This incredible opportunity will give the chosen eleven exposure to college level work and better prepare them for a full schedule at the University of Utah. 

Students were chosen as applicants due to their academic achievements and participation in extracurriculars throughout their high school years. Some participated in sports like volleyball, football, basketball, and track, while others showed participation in choir and theater. These students also maintained a high GPA, requiring a 3.2 to be eligible. 

Granite School District made the decision to team up with the U of U in order to make this possible for our students. At Granger, Ms. Alo, Mr. Sekeni, Ms. Smith, and Mr. Babcock have all been hard at work to get these students ready for this. 

Mr. Sekeni is excited for the students who will be affected. “We are giving them an opportunity for higher education, an understanding of how the world works after high school—while still in high school—and giving them a chance to help their family,” Sekeni said. 

Students were given 24 hours to make this life-changing decision, and for some, it came easily. “I knew I wanted to do it right away. This will give me a head start and experience. My family has always really encouraged me to go to college, and they are very proud that I will be doing it before graduation,” Kalesita Tatafu (12) said. 

For others, this course will take up a lot of time that some students don’t have. “I am undecided on whether I want to do this or not. I’m planning on going on a mission after high school, and I don’t know how the credits will transfer. I’m leaning more towards doing it though. I want a better future, and this will get me there,” Dillon Tuiatua (12) said. 

This bridge program will help students learn the ropes of college. The district played a major role in picking out who was eligible. “It was hard to pick only eleven students. We narrowed it down by finding out who had the most aptitude to learn and who was the most willing. This will set a foundation for their career,” Ms. Alo said. 

Even if students do not wish to pursue a career in teaching, they should still take the class. “There’s going to be a time when you will need to teach somebody something—when you will need to be an additional voice of encouragement, and this class will teach students those skills,” Mr. Babcock said. 

Pacific Islander students are excited for this course and cannot wait to take it with their fellow Lancers. “I am so excited to be a part of this, and I really hope everyone takes it! Having this opportunity has been further encouragement, and I cannot wait to pursue education,” Jasmine Miller (12) said. 

Granger’s administration is hopeful that all students able will take this opportunity and see how important it is. 

Even if education is not what students wish to do, taking a free class that will give you college credit and exposure will certainly be beneficial. Regardless of what they decide, their teachers are still proud of them. “I cannot express how proud I am of these students, and I am excited to see what they do with their future,” Ms. Smith said.