LIA students give back to the community
November 14, 2019
HERE AT Granger High School, we have many amazing teams and clubs students can join. One of the clubs some should consider joining is Latinos in Action (LIA), a club were they love helping people in and outside of school. In Latinos in Action, they can help students get scholarships and make resumes for any job. Students can ask the team members to help them at anytime.
Emily Munoz (12) is a senior at Granger and is a member of the club. “In Latinos in Action, we improve leaders in communications,” Munoz said. LIA helps in every school event that the school does for us, they set up and they clean up after the event, they also stay after the football games to help clean up to maintain the school.
LIA has field trips where they go to elementary schools in the area. “We go tutor at elementary schools and we read to the students,” Munoz said. Munoz also helps others in her free time outside of school. “I help peers make good decisions,” Munoz said. Munoz loves being in Latinos in Action. “I suggest people take the class, it’s a helpful class,” Munoz said.
Another student in LIA is Josh Lopez (??). Lopez does service hours in Latinos in Action. He does things that help students and teachers at Granger High School. “We baked some cookies as the whole class and went out to hand the cookies to the teachers,” Lopez said.
Latinos in Action also helps plan carnivals for the students to have fun. They help out in the carnival by passing out food at the food stands. The main focus of LIA is helping people and enjoying it without getting anything in return. “After school we stay after just to hangout and plan things,” Lopez said.
Natali Ramos (12) is another student that is involved in LIA. “The focus in Latinos in Action is making it happen and putting good effort,” Ramos said. When they tutor elementary students, they help them with their homework and serve as good role models.
“We should always help our community no matter what,” Ramos said. Our community and student body looks to student leaders such as the students in LIA as an example, especially younger people. Part of being an example to the younger ones is showing them what is right and what is wrong.
Latinos in Action is a club people should really consider joining. “I love helping people because it makes me feel good, I’m glad my voice can be something good to others.” Ramos said.
Another member of Latinos in Action is Ciney Sanchez (12). Sanchez loves helping people apply to college. “I love tutoring in elementary schools because it makes me feel good about myself and that helping someone makes a difference,” Sanchez said.
Latinos in Action is filled with great people from different grades who love to make a huge difference in the community. Sanchez encourages people to take LIA in high school. “It’s nice seeing someone happy which should make you feel good about yourself. If you give you get back,” Sanchez said.