Organization can help teens reduce stress

Karla Landeros, Reporter

Transitioning from school, clubs, home, and other activities is hard. When we were younger, we didn’t have as many responsibilities. Now, we have to keep up with the expectations of our families, teachers, and peers. But, keeping up with everyone requires time. With all of this constant stress to consider, we must plan out a schedule.

Time management is easier than one might think, and it makes life less complicated. There are many good outcomes to time management. Keeping planners and asking for help can all help you gain more time to do what you want in life.

Whether it is a class requirement or for personal use, most students have planners or some sort of calendar. These help organize your duties and time together. It might be a struggle to keep calendars and planners updated since a good amount of people think that it is a waste of time to sit down and think about one’s to-do list. In reality, sitting down to organize your thoughts and agenda helps save a lot of time and stress in the future.

By organizing an agenda, there is less probability that you forget your most important events of the day. Homework assignments are less likely to be turned in late and more free time is cleared up for you to enjoy. In the end, your teacher will be more impressed, and you will be less stressed.

Failure to properly manage your time will result in nasty consequences, stress, and health issues. “Stress can have many negative effects on your body, mood, and behavior. Going from simple headaches to social withdrawal, stress can affect your life very seriously,” as stated on the website.

Making yourself unhappy and unsatisfied will probably be one of your biggest regrets when thinking about your younger self in a few years.

Underachievement can also be an awful result of inefficient time management. Dropping your grades as a result of poor time management might not be the only reason as to why some futures are at risk.

“If we don’t keep up with our studies, we are less likely to pick up necessary information, which can critically hurt our academic performances,” as stated on the website.

Procrastination can also be a factor and product of poor time management. Procrastination can lead to the piling up of tasks. This can only add more pressure and stress to our lives.

Lancers need to learn to stay organized and motivated in order to handle the pressures and stress of being a student.