Many topics are especially hot and controversial. Many people have very distinct opinions, and so there are many opinions that others may not agree with. There are many topics that Lancers can get very heated over, and then they become hot topics. Trends, especially, are controversial. Characters, movies, and fashion styles are all subjects that many people have different opinions about.
“Hello Kitty and the color pink are overrated, I prefer Strawberry Shortcake,” Hillary Gonzalez (10) said. Gonzalez says that she knows many people will disagree with her. Hello Kitty has recently become very popular, and she believes her opinion will anger many people. Like many other characters, Hello Kitty rapidly became very popular. The color pink has also been revived and brought back to be one of the most popular colors today.
“Animal prints should not be coming back,” Joseline Moreno N. (10) said. Animal prints have been in demand since the 1930s, but they have recently popped back up into fashion. The leopard print has been especially popular and appears in many clothes, shoes, home supplies, and even in nail art.
Though animal prints are very much loved, many are starting to believe that they are being overused. The trend is so big that many say it has become tacky, so others should be more original and find their own style. “People should dress more creatively,” Moreno said.
Many hot takes can be lighthearted and fun, but there are still some interesting points that Lancers have on their minds.
“Pooping at school is uncomfortable,” Alexis Romero (10) said. For many different reasons, students avoid using the restrooms during the day, and some even prefer to wait until they get home. The restrooms are always open, and most students use them confidently when necessary.
Yet many still find it uncomfortable or awkward to use the school restrooms for reasons such as being heard. Romero says it can feel weird to use the restroom when other people are present.
“Tampons and pads should be free,” Jasmine Arencibia (10) said. Arencibia says all women’s hygiene products should be free and available for everyone. Arencibia says she is glad that Granger High offers women’s hygiene products free of cost for its students, but she still wishes other places would do the same. She knows most, if not all, women will agree with her.
There are a lot more basic hot takes, such as whether pineapple belongs on pizza, if morning showers are better than night showers, or even questioning whether anything is ‘overrated’. All of these topics are amazing conversation starters and ice breakers, so the next time you don’t have any conversation ideas, fire up a few hot takes.