Sports can have a major impact on a person’s life

Edward Carrasco, Reporter

LIFELONG benefits in sports may be more valuable than Lancers think.

When joining a sport, players have to be physically fit in order to perform well. Working out and eating daily, can create positive habits for a lifetime. “Choosing healthy choices gets really hard sometimes because you really start to crave chocolate and all the sugary things in the candy section at the stores” Orlando Contreras (‘17). Though it is hard, the habits learned from sports will help with avoiding the cravings.

Sports can also help by teaching athletes to be stronger mentally. Having mental strength helps athletes get through a situation, no matter how hard it may be. “I believe sports are more of a mental than physical strain. You can be physically fit all you want, but if you don’t have the mental strength to go with it, you will not advance anywhere in sports or in life,” Contreras said. Mental strength is one of the biggest keys in order to perform at a high level in sports.

This goes to show that athletes can develop some very beneficial habits that carry outside of the field. Building good habits as a young adult, will carry on throughout adulthood.

Another beneficial reason for sports is the ability to communicate with others, and work with a team. “I believe that joining soccer was great for me to learn how to communicate with others. I had to communicate with my teammates in order to make a play work and get through the game,” Jessica Barffuson (‘10). “I know that if I am not able to communicate well with other people, I won’t get anywhere. This is why I feel that sports have been a really big benefit in my life,” Barffuson added. Healthy habits and routines will help students succeed throughout life.