GTV, wrestling, and swim keep Kevin busy
February 7, 2020
IN A LIFE full of high school and preparing for college, Kevin Flores (12) keeps his sanity. Flores plays two sports that are during the same season and even overlap with meets and practices. On top of this, Flores has the homework workload of any average high schooler. However, Flores manages to keep his cool with it all.
“I got into sports junior year; I got into swim and wrestling and just turned out to really enjoy it so I just continued them this year,” Flores said. If you don’t catch Flores at a meet for swim or practice for wrestling, Lancers will find him working out still even when he has the day off from sports. Tyrese Dulin (12), a friend of Flores, talked about his crazy schedule. “I’d describe my friend Kevin as insane, because he just keeps pushing himself to new lengths,” Dulin said. Dulin then said how proud he his of him for also being a great friend. “He’s funny, pushes himself and others to do better, and he likes to go out with a bang on things,” Dulin said, “his personality is being his wacky, relatable self, and this drive he has.”
Flores plays two sports, which results in conflicts with both sets of practices, meets, and matches since they are during the same season. “Kevin is a phenomenal student athlete and an example of team spirit of which many other athletes should aspire to have,” Coach Carter said. While Coach Carter says that, Coach Lewis seems to agree. “Kevin is a hard worker. He keeps his grades up in order to be successful academically and in order to qualify to participate in sports,” Coach Lewis said. Flores’s teacher, Mr. Wods, described him as a very engaged student that will definitely take initiative. Mr. Wods is a new teacher here at Granger who has noticed that Flores seems to be a natural born leader. Mr. Wods, in the short time he’s been here, says that Kevin became more of a leader in the time he’s known Flores.
Most people say we all have a natural superpower. “Kevin’s superpower is that he is an overachiever. He’s on both the swim team and the wrestling team, which means he has two different types of practices to attend. Kevin has also juggled participating in a swim meet and a wrestling meet on the same day. He does everything he can to finish his swim events, even when it’s difficult,” Coach Carter said. “Kevin seem to really like learning new techniques and wrestling moves. This is his driving force to become a better athlete,” Coach Lewis said.